Antibacterial Activity of Lime Peel and Lemongrass Extract as Active Ingredients for Spray Hand Sanitizer


  • Elza Gitaa Eirene Djima
  • Aniek Prasetyaningsih
  • Kukuh Madyaningrana


: antibacterial, lime peel, lemongrass, spray hand sanitizer, Staphylococcus aureus


Hand sanitizers are widely used as an alternative way to maintain hand hygiene from the presence of
pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. In general, excessive use of alcohol as the main ingredient
in hand sanitizers might cause skin irritation. Utilizing antibacterial activity of plants as a component in hand
sanitizer could be used as a substitution for alcohol. The aim of this study was to determine the potential
antibacterial activity of lime peel and lemongrass extracts as active ingredients for hand sanitizer. Method
used in this research included extraction using maceration, qualitative phytochemical test, antibacterial
assay, and formulation of spray hand sanitizer and quality test of spray hand sanitizer. In this study alkaloid,
flavonoid, saponin, tannin and terpenoid were found as phytochemical content of lime peel, while lemongrass
extract contain fla vonoid, tanin, saponin and steroid. Compared to lemongrass extract, lime peel extract with
concentration 40%showed the optimum inhibition zone of S. aureus and chosen as active ingredient in spray
hand sanitizer formulation. Formulated spray hand sanitizer with lime peel extract was able to inhibit the
growth of S. aureus bacteria on hand palm.


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How to Cite

Djima, E. G. E. D., Prasetyaningsih, A. ., & Madyaningrana, . K. . (2021). Antibacterial Activity of Lime Peel and Lemongrass Extract as Active Ingredients for Spray Hand Sanitizer . SCISCITATIO, 2(1), 22–28. Retrieved from

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