Potency of Citrus reticulata Peel Extract as Active Compound of NonAlcohol Based Gel Hand Sanitizer


  • Julyana Dika Santoso
  • Aniek Prasetyaningsih
  • Kukuh Madyaningrana




Citrus reticulata, extracts, antimicrobial, Staphylococcus aureus, hand sanitizer.


Hand sanitizer is nowadays known as a part of one’s personal hygiene kit because of its practical use and
effectivity against skin microbes, such as Staphylococcus aureus. The common commercial hand sanitizers are made
from alcohol which may have negative side effect like skin irritation. Utilization of active compounds from a plant
that has antibacterial compounds might be applied to the substitution of alcohol in the formulation of hand sanitizer.
In this study, phytochemical compounds from Citrus reticulata and Citrus aurantifolia peel extracts were tested
qualitatively and their antibacterial acitivity on Staphylococcus aureus were tested using disk diffusion method. The
results showed that Citrus reticulata peel extract at the concentration of 70% was the most effective concentration in
inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus. This certain concentration of Citrus reticulata peel extract was then chosen in the gel
hand sanitizer formulation. Application of gel hand sanitizer with Citrus reticulata peel extract as its active compound
on the hands of respondents were also observed to inhibit bacterial growth. The use of peel extracts from Citrus
spp, especially from Citrus reticulata might be potential in the formulation of non-alcohol based gel hand sanitizer.


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How to Cite

Santoso, J. D., Prasetyaningsih, A., & Madyaningrana, K. (2020). Potency of Citrus reticulata Peel Extract as Active Compound of NonAlcohol Based Gel Hand Sanitizer. SCISCITATIO, 1(2), 79–86. https://doi.org/10.21460/sciscitatio.2020.12.32

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